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About us

The Loughborough Farm is a community garden open to everyone who wants to learn organic growing skills and meet their neighbours. 


Our history 

The Loughborough Farm is a community food growing project in Loughborough Junction, south London.  The project was started by Loughborough Junction Action Group in August 2013 and has been growing ever since.  The vision was to create a patchwork of community growing spaces on derelict or underused land.  Our main site is on Loughborough Road, SW9 7EL, opposite Wyck Gardens.  We have also helped to create or support growing spaces in Southwell Road, Marcus Lipton Youth Centre, Moorlands Estate Nature Garden Allotment, Styles Gardens and Wyck Gardens.  Over the past 3 years, we have grown and delivered 400 tomato and herb plants to Loughborough Estate residents to grow on their balconies.

….and Future….

The Farm is entering into a new phase as our main site becomes part of the new LJ Works development.  In 2013, we were given permission to grow on the land temporarily, but we will now be able to stay on-site for at least 20 years.  Lambeth Council successfully received grant funding from the Mayor’s London Regeneration Fund to build a variety of workspaces on the site.  Unfortunately, the opening of LJ Works has been delayed by several years, but the final work is due to start in winter 2021/22 and hopefully, we will all be able to access the new building in 2022.  If you are interested in a workspace or want to know more please check




Our vision

Loughborough Farm empowers the community to create a greener, healthier, more resilient neighbourhood.


Read our policy for safeguarding vulnerable adults.







What we do 

We run regular volunteer growing sessions at our main site on Loughborough Road.  We grow vegetables and fruit together, rather than people having individual plots.  The harvest is shared between volunteers and surplus goes to our sister project The Platform Cafe.   


We grow a range of edible and ornamental plants which are sold at our monthly market stall outside the Farm gate.   


We also have an active DIY group that make planters and other items for the Farm and neighbouring community projects.  


We run growing training workshops, community events and during the pandemic, we have been running wellbeing workshops.  Check out our event postings page or our noticeboard outside the Farm gates. 

We planted a community orchard in Wyck Gardens in 2014.  The site is being further developed into a forest garden and during 2021 we have been running regular volunteering sessions on the site.


Our volunteers can become actively involved in shaping and creating their own projects.  Karen Hooper began the Wish You Were Here wellbeing project.  It connects the Farm with local GP surgeries, the Harbour Recovery Centre, local supported housing, carers and community groups.  It links to the wider wellbeing network, including Lambeth’s Living Well Collaborative and Living Well Network Alliance, encouraging people to get involved and feel socially included.  Individuals are encouraged to visit the Farm and become involved in volunteering.



Who we are

We are a group of local people from a diverse range of backgrounds who grow, learn, work and have fun together.  Some volunteers have been with us since the beginning and others come and go. We always like to welcome new people to come and join us.


Loughborough Farm is volunteer-led and is supported by a part-time paid Farm Coordinator, Emily Myers,  and soon to be recruited Farm Manager.  Some volunteers just attend the Farm sessions, but others like to get more involved. 


We have volunteer Farm Session Leaders, Farm Planners and Farm Project Leads.  We also have working groups that any volunteer can participate in such as our Crop Planning group.





For more videos subscribe to our YouTube channel:


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